WASH Field Agents

PLAN CAMEROON - Kumba, Sud-Ouest

Offre d'emploi fermée


Type de contrat
Délai de candidature

La description

WASH Field Agents
Secteur d'activité
Postes à pourvoir
La description

Roles and responsibilities :
This position is responsible for the supervision of the WASH activities in the field in accordance with Plan’s emergency WASH response in one Division identified for the project in the North or South West Regions of Cameroon.
Supervising the activities of Community focal Points, Ensure WASH and Health items are distributed to the target groups,
Facilitate and follow up management committees in the assigned communities,
Contribute to the identification and selection of beneficiaries for WASH kits and laise between Community Focal Points and the WASH Coordinator.
Organize monthly coordination meetings with project stakeholders in his/ area and participate in the monthly project Coordination meetings with the entire implementation team.
He/she maintains close cooperation with other partners in the area and produces and transmit weekly and monthly reports of activities to the project coordinator.
He/she will ensure that data is collected and consolidated as required.
The Field Agents will be in charge of trainings of Community Focal Points, provide effective support in the direct implementation, monitoring and evaluation of WASH related activities at the divisional level.
The Field Agent shall ensure that hygiene promotion activities are implemented in all CFS as planned.
The Field Agent will be based in the assigned Division and will report to the WASH Coordinator.
Accountabilities :
Supervise at least 04 Community Focal Points
Ensure all CFS within his/her zone receive hygiene promotion campaigns
Ensure hygiene promotion is conducted to at least 500 households in his/her zone
Mobilize target communities to inform and sensitize them on the project's activities;
Participate in the establishment of beneficiary list for the project in his/her assigned zone of intervention;
Ensure that the selection of beneficiaries is made in a transparent manner and according to the strict adherence to the selection criteria defined by the project;
Planning and coordinating jointly with the government technical Services, all the activities of "WASH", including the selection of construction sites, evaluation of work in his/her area of assignment;
Establish and monitor the performance of the work in its duty zone;
Work in collaboration with the CPIE Social worker and Community focal Point in his zone


Éducation minimum
Licence (grade universitaire)
Expérience requise
5 Années
Pas défini
Les langues
Pas défini
Pas défini

Knowledge, Skills, Behaviours, and Experience Required to Achieve Role’s Objectives:
Timely and effective delivery of project activities and other outputs (reports, etc.)
Commitment to child protection, gender equality and participation
Skills in participatory assessment, recreational activities, informal education, life skills training and sensitization on child and adolescent protection and prevention of GBV.
Good computer skills (Microsoft Words, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer)
Ability to network with grassroots structures.


Nom de l'employeur


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