Renewable Energy Advisor

SNV - Yaoundé, Centre

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La description

Renewable Energy Advisor
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La description
Company Description

Vacancy announcement

For the « Cameroon Golden Cocoa Project » implementation.

December 2018-November 2020

SNV Cameroon received funds from the German Cooperation to implement the Cameroon Golden Cocoa Project The main focus of this project is to Increase cooperatives and farmers income and job creation through implementation of standardized post-harvest practices resulting in high quality cocoa: Golden Cocoa. The Cameroon Golden Cocoa Project has a strong PPP component with innovation development. It will continue experiences in Konye, Bafia, Ayos and Ngomedzap and replicated in other subdivisions in the South West and Central regions of Cameroon. For the implementation of the Cameroon Golden Cocoa Project SNV Cameroon seeks for the following staff.

For more information on SNV's operations, visit our website:

Job Description


Under the supervision of the Project Manager the Renewable Energy Advisor will be responsible for:

He / she is in charge of leading the energy component of the project. He / she will follow up on the redesign, introduction and adoption of the cocoa solar dryer and fermentation innovations by cooperatives and their appropriation users. He / she will also open / associate the project innovations to private sector actors for a quick and sustainable replication and vulgarization. He / she will contribute to the harmonization, professionalization and contextualization of project knowledge in areas of solar dryer, fermentation and warehousing.


- Ensure cooperative knowledge on solar drying, fermentation and warehousing of cocoa beans

- assess the performance of existing solar dryers towards development of a hybrid model

- Coordinate solar dryer inclusive and socio-economic studies (with private sector partners and other actors) to evaluate the acceptation of the solar dryer model by beneficiaries.

- Accompany cooperatives on cocoa beans drying business planning & management: linkage with other agri-financing schemes.

- Facilitate training of trainers and accompany cooperatives on cocoa beans solar drying;

- Facilitate training of trainers and accompany cooperatives on cocoa beans fermentation and warehousing.

- Facilitate the identification and development of business models and bankable projects (fermentation, drying, ware housing, transformation)

- Facilitate the construction of cocoa bean fermentation units through the cooperative or an entrepreneurs;

- Accompany the participatory planning, pre-test and evaluation of the fermentation boxes, solar drying and warehousing;

- Accompany the construction of hybrid solar dryers through private sector actors / cooperatives that are financed by finance institutions to develop the market;

- Facilitate the acquisition of quality control and verification equipment (humidity test machines, control quality kits, electronic scales, data lodgers).


Required experience and competency

- Good knowledge on renewable energy technologies, entrepreneurship

- Proven knowledge solar drying innovations and other relevant energy sources for agriculture

- Proven knowledge in fermentation and warehousing innovations in agriculture

- Community development trainer

- Good knowledge of cocoa sector in Cameroon

- Good experience on introducing new technologies in rural communities

- Experience on coordination of multidisciplinary teams

- Good knowledge of private sector actors in Cameroon


- The candidate must have a profile of Energy engineer, agro economist, agronomist or agribusiness

- or equivalent

- Level BACC + 5 in energy, agronomy, economics, agribusiness, or equivalent

- At least 05 years of seniority in the implementation of rural development projects

- Be bilingual French and English: (speaking and writing).

Additional Information

Position Name : Renewable Energy Advisor

Type of Contract: Local (national)

Start Date : As soon as possible

Station : Yaoundé, Cameroun

How to apply:

If your references correspond to the profile indicated, we invite you to submit directly online via the SmartRecruitments database system your cover letter and CV by 20 March 2019.

NB: Only preselected candidates will be contacted.

We do not appreciate mediation by third parties.


Éducation minimum
École secondaire
Expérience requise
aucun Années
Pas défini
Les langues
Pas défini
Pas défini



Nom de l'employeur


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